The Quixotic Pastor

Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday, Monday, so good to me ...

The Mamas and the Papas had a hit with the song in the title somewhere back in the 60's ... it is a great song, one that reclaims Monday as a good day, not a bad day when we working masses return to our jobs after the brief break of the weekend ...

Of course, as a pastor, Monday is not the first day in my work week ... usually Sunday is, although occasionally I wind up doing some church work on Saturday. Friday is my day off, when I generally don't answer my phones, try not to respond to church-related emails, and try not to have any church-related appointments. Lately, I have been spending my time off helping DH finish prepping and painting the exterior wooden parts of our house --I'll be so glad when we're finished!

Anyway ... this Monday, so far, I have ran some errands, paid some bills [Sunday is also payday for me, woohoo!] and I am about to settle into preparing for my Bible study tomorrow night at one of my churches. The text is Romans 9, when Paul turns to the complex subject of the state of the relationship between God and the Jews post-Christ ... it should be interesting. We'll see!

Some time tomorrow or Wednesday, I'll need to devote a few hours to one of my churches' websites, adding some links, as well as adding some links to this blog.


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