The Quixotic Pastor

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Senate Voting On Federal Hate Crimes Legislation Today

Possibly today, at any rate.

If you haven't already done so, please call, e-mail, fax your US Senators and ask them to vote in favor of the Matthew Shepherd Act, S 1105, which will enable local law enforcement officials to seek federal funding and assistance when investigating violent acts against individuals based on the victim's gender, sexual orientation, disability or gender identity.

Contrary to what is being said by some opponents of this bill, this legislation does not negatively impact free speech, so that churches and pastors who teach and preach homosexuality as sin will not be subject to legal action or censure. This legislation is about criminal actions taken against an individual who is representative of a particular demographic, when the purpose of the criminal action is to intimidate an entire group of people.

Please ask your friends to do the same.


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